OptionBigBull Earnings Play
Portfolio Approach to Earnings
$10,000 Portfolio spread out over 10 trades, $1000 per trade.
Goal for earnings trades is to make 10% (ROC) on the portfolio during the key 3-4 earnings weeks.
Take advantage of pre-earnings IV (Implied Volatility) Rush and post-earnings IV (Implied Volatility) Crush phenomena
Only use a variety of highly liquid stocks, not just high fliers.
Iron Condors/Strangles/Straddles has high win rate and can make 20-35% (ROC) during earnings
Prerequisite –
Please complete FREE option courses on OptionBigBull.com in following order –
- 1. Investing Guide 101
- 2. Technical Analysis
- 3. Trading Psychology
- 4. Option Basics 101
- 5. Options – Pricing Models and Greeks
- 6. Options – Trade Plan and Management
- 7. Options – Art of Spreads
Post-Earning Expiry date Calendar Tarde - Playbook
Post Earning Expiry date - ** Iron Condor /Strangle /Straddle
Post Earning Expiry date - ** Iron Condor /Strangle /Straddle
Post-Earning Expiry date Calendar Tarde - Playbook
Post Earning Expiry date- ** Put Credit Spread **
Post-Earning Expiry date Calendar Tarde - Playbook
Post-Earning Expiry date Calendar Tarde - Playbook
Post Earning Expiry ** Time Bomb FLY **
Post Earning Expiry date- ** Put Credit Spread **
Post Earning Expiry date- ** Put Credit Spread **
Post Earning Expiry ** Time Bomb FLY **
Post Earning Expiry ** Time Bomb FLY **
Pre-earnings Call Ratio Back Spread
Pre-earnings Call Ratio Back Spread
Coming Soon- (New Course) - Easy Monthly $3K on $25K account ...!!